Supershooter 6 is 1080p-ready and 4K-capable, and a powerful single-truck unit featuring a Grass Valley Kayenne X-Frame switcher, a Calrec Apollo audio console, Sony HDC-3500 cameras, two 5500 cameras, a Lawo IP router, multi-viewer and EVS XT VIA servers.
Take A Virtual Tour Of Supershooter 6
Step inside Supershooter 6 for this virtual tour to see first-hand what it would be like to work inside this IP-based and TFC driven mobile unit. Starting in audio, stroll through production, into the record/replay room and finish in video and engineering. See the full technical specifications for Supershooter 6 here, then take the virtual tour and see it for your self.
3D Walkthrough of Supershooter 6
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NEP Group is once again honored to support the world’s premier multi-sport event, which took place this year in Paris, France from July 26 - August 11, 2024.