Global Television – part of the NEP Worldwide Network – today wraps up its successful Host Broadcast of the G20 Leaders’ Summit from Brisbane, delivering more than 400 hours of coverage and a number of firsts for this ...

Sydney, Australia

Global Television – part of the NEP Worldwide Network – today wraps up its successful Host Broadcast of the G20 Leaders’ Summit from Brisbane, delivering more than 400 hours of coverage and a number of firsts for this major multinational event.

Global Television – part of the NEP Worldwide Network – today wraps up its successful Host Broadcast of the G20 Leaders’ Summit from Brisbane, delivering more than 400 hours of coverage and a number of firsts for this major multinational event.

More than 130 Australian and international broadcasters and news programs availed themselves of Global’s Host Broadcast services, which included:

• Two fully-produced, ready-to-air channels created in association with the newsgathering and archival resources of Global’s content partner, SBS – each with graphics, ‘beauty camera’ shots from around Brisbane and highlights packages.

This was a first for a G20 Summit and gave individual broadcasters and news programs more time to concentrate on their own editorial coverage.

• In another G20 first, four fully-remote productions – from Brisbane Airport (capturing VIP arrivals and departures) and three other city locations – ran concurrently and were controlled and switched from a central control room using dedicated IP services.

This meant most production crew did not need to leave the International Media Centre (IMC) – giving the team maximum control over content and minimising the need to move around Brisbane amid tight security restrictions.

• 16 High Definition (HD) continuous footage signals for distribution to broadcasters around the world via Global Television’s transmission partner, Globecast.

• An in-house 24/7 information channel providing up-to-date run-downs on what/when/where activities for the duration of the event, helping broadcasters plan their editorial coverage.

• A unique studio environment within the International Media Centre (IMC) offering live backdrop images of the Brisbane River and cityscape beamed into five giant 4K displays.

This gave broadcasters live backdrops for their reports without the need to leave the studio in the intense Brisbane heat and security restrictions.

• More than 400 hours of coverage in five days, with every second captured for immediate access, and logged and edited using EVS tapeless technology, with 112 terabytes of shared storage.

This allowed clients to browse, search and locate any content and export it for their own use.

• Maximum format flexibility to meet all broadcasters’ needs; while all video originated in HD (1080/50i), material was available in HD, SD and NTSC.

A team of 12 photographers through Ethos CRS and 14 news gathering crews have been contracted to Global Television for the last 12 months and captured every G20 event in the lead-up to and at the Summit itself.

G20 Project Director Marc Segar said: “Nearly 17 months of planning have yielded a flexible and highly responsive Host Broadcast that has adapted to every conceivable broadcaster need and allowed seamless coverage of events as they unfolded: we logged every second of coverage in real time – more than 400 hours in five days – and made it immediately available to everyone.

“The International Media Centre was constructed in a record two weeks, and the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre was fantastic to work with. Their investment in new communications infrastructure is a great legacy that will make it an even more attractive venue for major events.”

Segar also acknowledged the pivotal role of the Australian Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet and G20 Task Force. “We had a great client who were as clear in their brief and expectations as they were in providing us the support and flexibility to deliver an exceptional result,” Segar said. “I could not be more proud of how everyone pulled together for this event.”

The G20 Leaders’ Summit Brisbane closed last night at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC). It was the most significant world leaders’ meeting Australia has ever hosted, with around 4,000 international delegates attending.

130 broadcasters and news programs, and approximately 3,000 media representatives, based themselves at the International Media Centre, which Global designed and built within the BCEC.

The G20 Leaders’ Summit is the final major project completed under the Global Television name. The company has rebranded to NEP Australia following its acquisition by NEP Inc. and integration into the worldwide NEP network, creating one of the world’s biggest and most experienced broadcast technical and live event service providers.


• Design, build and operation of broadcasting infrastructure at the main G20 Summit venue and International Media Centre (IMC) at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
• News gathering and archival resources with support of content partner, SBS
• Live video capture and post production; video for the website; and host broadcaster photography
• Main IMC supplying Australian and international broadcasters and news channels
• Two world-feed channels supplied to Globecast for distribution through their worldwide network
• 2 full TV studios within the IMC
• 4 fully remote-produced venues (i.e., cameras on location but all other production activity at the BCEC)
• 16 x high definition transmission paths on fibre with three additional via satellite as redundancy
• Nine control rooms• 49 High Definition cameras
• T en radio frequency link systems• 11 x XT3 EVS machines
• 13 x IP Director integrated video production software suites

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