In-Camera Visual Effects (ICVFX)

Green screen keying has been a standard technology for the visual effects industry for decades. However, with the advent of virtual technologies such as ICVFX, we are revolutionizing the film industry and the way we do business.

Green screen keying has been a standard technology for the visual effects industry for decades. However, with the advent of virtual technologies such as ICVFX, we are revolutionizing the film industry and the way we do business.

1. What is ICVFX?

ICVFX (In-Camera Visual Effects) is an innovative technique where visual effects are captured in the camera instead of the traditional post-production process. As one of the pillars of virtual production, ICVFX allows filmmakers to capture and see virtual assets as if they were actually there; making the process as effective as if they were real-world physical assets.

With ICVFX, a car process can be created with LED technology, allowing the content to play in real-time while filming. The camera is able to capture these images and bring them to life in a much clearer, crisper way than post-production can offer. If you want to see the bright lights of the Las Vegas strip roll by the window while driving, you can craft the illusion without ever setting foot on location.

2. How does ICVFX differ from green or blue screen technology?

Green or blue screens utilize chroma key technology, a process that layers images or video over a solid color screen in post-production. This process can be extremely time-consuming as the editor will need to completely key out the background and insert the virtual world. There are also many corrections that will need to be made in post, such as, adding reflections and correcting the background imagery as the camera moves. When using ICVFX technology, the LED does all of this for you. Not only does it give the actor a more realistic world to play off of, but it also creates unprecedented levels of lighting and reflection accuracy. Less time spent on lighting and tweaking creates more time to focus on capturing the actual shoot.

3. What are the advantages of ICVFX over shooting in the Real World?

ICVFX can help you to gain two of the most valuable assets you need while filming: time and money.

Filming in a studio allows you to avoid constantly changing weather conditions that could disrupt a shoot. It also allows you to create a time of day when it may not actually be available. Say you are looking for a sunset shot of that car driving? There is no need to rush shooting in the 20 minutes time period when the lighting is perfectly soft. ICVFX allows the sunset to be played repeatedly until you get the exact shot you need.  Having this control helps with the efficiency of the shoot, creating more time for other aspects of production.

The control ICVFX presents can save you a multitude of crew hours and travel costs. Need one shot in Vegas and the next in Iceland? All you need to do is change the LED content. Create multiple scenes and locations in the same studio, on the same day, in the most cost-effective environment.

ICVFX also helps to eliminate all those hours in post-production. The 3D background responds in real-time to the camera movement, eliminating the need to sync up actors and backgrounds after everything has been shot. Real-time LED systems are completely transforming the traditional workflow and enhancing the ability to tell a memorable story. NEP offers a full suite of Virtual Production solutions, including virtual stages and ICVFX technology, to make your next production come to life. Learn more here.

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